How to Write a Synopsis of an Article: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Have you ever been tasked with writing a synopsis of an article and had no idea where to begin? Don't worry, you're not alone. A synopsis is a brief summary of an article, and can be an essential tool when trying to convey the main points of a lengthy piece of writing. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of creating a strong synopsis that effectively communicates the article's key takeaways.

Understanding the Purpose of a Synopsis

Before we dive into the specifics of writing a synopsis, it's important to first understand why they are so important. Synopses serve as a quick reference for busy readers who are unable to read the entire article. They also help to clarify the article's purpose and make it easier to analyze the author's arguments.

When it comes to reading articles or research papers, time is of the essence. Many readers are looking for specific information and don't have the luxury of reading an entire article from start to finish. This is where a synopsis comes in handy. It provides a brief overview of the article's main points, allowing readers to quickly determine whether or not the article is worth their time.

Why Synopses are Important

Synopses provide a concise summary of an article's main points, making it easier for readers to quickly grasp the author's intended message. They are also useful for researchers who are looking for specific information, as a synopsis can help them determine whether or not an article is relevant to their needs.

Moreover, synopses are essential for professionals who are constantly on the go. Business executives, for instance, may not have the time to read an entire report, but they need to be informed about the key takeaways. A synopsis provides them with a quick and easy way to get up to speed.

Different Types of Synopses

There are several different types of synopses, each catering to a different audience. For example, an executive summary is a type of synopsis that is aimed at business professionals, while an abstract is a synopsis that is typically used in academic writing. Regardless of the type of synopsis that you are writing, the same basic principles apply.

One type of synopsis that is gaining popularity is the social media synopsis. With the rise of social media, many readers are looking for bite-sized pieces of information that they can easily share with their followers. A social media synopsis provides a concise summary of an article's main points, making it easy for readers to share the information with their network.

In conclusion, synopses are an essential part of effective communication. They provide readers with a quick and easy way to understand an article's main points, making it easier for them to determine whether or not the article is relevant to their needs. By understanding the purpose and importance of synopses, you can create effective summaries that will engage and inform your readers.

Preparing to Write Your Synopsis

Now that we've covered the importance of synopses, let's dive into the steps involved in creating one.

Read the entire article thoroughly

Before you can begin writing your synopsis, you need to thoroughly read the article that you are summarizing. It's important to understand the author's intended message and the supporting arguments that are used to make that message. Take notes as you read, highlighting key points and information that will be useful when writing your synopsis.

Identify the main points and arguments

Once you've read the article, you need to identify the main points and arguments that the author is making. These will typically be found in the introduction and conclusion of the article, but you may also find them throughout the body of the text. It's important to identify all of the main points so that you can ensure that your synopsis accurately represents the author's message.

Take notes and outline the article's structure

In addition to identifying the main points, you should also take notes on the article's structure. This includes identifying subheadings and sections, as well as any transitions or supporting evidence that the author uses. By organizing your notes in this way, you can ensure that your synopsis accurately reflects the structure of the original article.

Writing a Strong Introduction for Your Synopsis

Now that you've prepared for writing your synopsis, it's time to dive into actually writing it. The beginning is a crucial aspect of your synopsis, as it sets the tone for the rest of the summary.

Hook the reader with a compelling opening

Just like a full-length article, the introduction of your synopsis should hook the reader and make them want to continue reading. This can be done by using a surprising statistic, an interesting anecdote, or a thought-provoking quote. Whatever method you choose, make sure that it grabs the reader's attention.

Introduce the article's main topic and purpose

After you've hooked the reader, it's important to provide context for the article. This means introducing the topic and purpose of the original article, as well as the main arguments that the author makes. By providing this information up front, you can ensure that the reader has a basic understanding of the article's message before diving deeper into the details.

Provide context and background information

Finally, it's important to provide context and background information for the article. This may include information on the author, the publication where the article appeared, and any relevant historical or societal context that helps to explain the article's message.

Summarizing the Article's Main Points

Once you've written a strong introduction for your synopsis, it's time to dive into the details. This is where you'll summarize the article's main points in a clear and concise manner.

Be concise and clear

When summarizing the article, it's important to be concise and clear. Use your notes from the article to identify the main points and supporting arguments, and present them in a way that accurately represents the original author's message. Avoid using lengthy quotes or unnecessarily wordy descriptions, as this can detract from the clarity of your summary.

Use your own words

While it's important to accurately represent the author's message, it's also important to use your own words when summarizing the article. This means avoiding copying entire sections of the article word for word, and instead rephrasing the author's arguments in a way that is both accurate and concise.

Maintain the original article's tone and style

Finally, it's important to maintain the tone and style of the original article when writing your synopsis. This means using the same type of language, voice, and style as the author, so that the reader can get a sense of the author's intended message.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Synopsis of an Article

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot.

Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.


In conclusion, writing a synopsis of an article may seem like a daunting task, but by following these simple steps, you can create a summary that accurately represents the author's message and purpose. Remember to thoroughly read the article, identify the main points and arguments, and present them in a concise and clear manner. By doing so, you can create a synopsis that effectively communicates the article's key takeaways, and ensures that your readers are able to quickly and easily understand the author's intended message.

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