How To Write Ads Using Jasper AI

Last updated:
June 22, 2023
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Creating a compelling ad could be the game-changer between acquiring users at $2 or $10 apiece. When you think about it, that's a scale that can tip your budget by thousands or even millions of dollars. The stakes? One or two fleeting seconds to grab someone's attention before they move on to the next distraction. 

From our ad campaign adventures, we've found a secret sauce that consistently acquires new readers for less than $2 each. The secret? AI. 

Yup, we’ve been harnessing AI to streamline the arduous process of crafting dozens of variations of the same ad. It's surprisingly simple and will take under 10 minutes to generate a treasure trove of copy options.

A helpful tool we've discovered is Jasper. It's like ChatGPT's cousin but with a time-saving twist—pre-made templates that only require a bit of info-filling. For the ChatGPT veterans, GPT-4 is a better option (for $20/mo), but Jasper could be a game-changer for marketers still learning the ropes of prompt engineering.

*Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Jasper, but we are affiliate partners. 

Section 1: Signing Up and Setting Up

  1. Start by signing up for Jasper's 7-day free trial (you can cancel it anytime).
  2. You'll land on Jasper's user interface after signing up.
  3. Look for the "+ Create new content..." button and click on it.
  4. You'll then see four options. 
  1. Click on "+ New from template."
  2. Finally, select the "Facebook ad headline" template.

Section 2: Crafting Your Ad Headline

Here you’ll input information about your brand, and Jasper will generate entirely new headlines. Here’s how:

  1. Enter your company name.
  2. Type in a product description (2-3 sentences usually do the trick).
  3. Specify your tone of voice (formal/professional/conversational/informative). 
  4. There's an option to input your brand voice. We recommend adding specific information about your brand here. (We uploaded our website so Jasper would have more context on our writing style)!
  1. Insert examples of your past ads or those from other brands that have struck a chord with similar audiences.

After you've filled in the details, click on "generate." Don't hesitate to click again for fresh examples. Below are a few examples Jasper churned out for us:

Section 3: Crafting Your Ad Body Content 

Like the ad headline, the ad body content can be quickly drafted with Jasper. Follow the similar process you just learned:

  1. Go back to the "+ New from template" option.
  2. This time, select "Facebook ad primary text."
  3. Fill in the necessary information just like you did for the ad headline.
  4. Finally, hit the "Generate" button.

Voila! Mix and match the headlines and copy that reasons most and you've just created an entire Facebook ad! Here's an example of a complete ad we whipped up using Jasper!

Section 4: Polishing Your Ads 

The first round might not be the home run you were hoping for. But don't fret! If the output doesn't quite hit the mark, you can tweak any of the information you provided, like the product description or tone.

While Jasper’s template is designed generally for Facebook ads, feel free to repurpose your ads across any marketing platform like Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. If you need to change the vibes a bit, just head over to ChatGPT and ask for a spin designed for a different type of audience. 

Section 5: So, should you use it?

Jasper offers an easy-to-use, straightforward interface that's ideal for beginners. If you're a seasoned pro and you know exactly what you want, ChatGPT-4's flexibility with prompting might be your preferred tool. But if you're starting your AI adventure, Jasper is a pretty good place to kick things off.

Check out Jasper and see if it fits your ad creation needs. We'd love to hear about your experiences and successes with it.

How else are you looking to use AI at work? Let us know the types of tutorials you want to see from us next here!