ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

Last updated:
August 2, 2024
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How to write using ChatGPT (cheat sheet)

Mastering AI writing is a learnable skill, a game of tutoring AI into a world-class writer. Don't worry, this skill isn't exclusive to tech gurus; we've learned it, so you can! Ready to save countless hours?

P.S. you can download the entire cheat sheet in PDF form here.

Section 1: The Art of Prompt Frameworks

When it comes to AI writing, the golden rule is: "Better prompts yield better outputs." Here are a few frameworks that can help:

  1. RTF (Role, Task, Format): Define the AI's role, outline the task, and specify the format. E.g., "As a financial analyst (Role), create a quarterly sales report (Task) in Excel (Format)."
  2. CTF (Context, Task, Format): Provide context, describe the task, and the presentation format. E.g., "For an upcoming marketing meeting (Context), prepare a SWOT analysis (Task) in a PowerPoint presentation (Format)."
  3. RASCEF (Role, Action, Steps, Context, Examples, Format): A more detailed framework for intricate tasks. E.g., "As a technical writer (Role), draft a user manual (Action) that includes installation, setup, and troubleshooting steps (Steps) for our new software product (Context). It should be easy to read (Format)."

Prompts can be presented in two ways:

  • Megaprompts: A comprehensive prompt that includes all elements (e.g., requesting a complete project proposal.
  • Prompt chaining (*recommended*): Breaking down the task into smaller, manageable prompts. Start by asking for a project idea, then an outline, and finally, the detailed plan.

Section 2: Setting the Mode: What's your AI's Role Today?

Now that you've got the prompt structure down, it's time to give your AI a "mode" or a role. Think of this as directing your AI to "think" in a certain way. Here are four modes to start with:

  1. Intern: If you need fresh ideas, set the AI as an intern. Example: "Come up with new fundraising ideas."
  2. Thought Partner: If you need the AI to help you brainstorm, set it as a thought partner. Example: "What should we consider when generating new fundraising ideas?"
  3. Critic: Want a critique of your ideas? The AI is your critic. Example: "Here's a list of 10 fundraising ideas I created. Are there any I missed? Which seem particularly good or bad?"
  4. Teacher: If you need to learn something new, your AI becomes your teacher. Example: "Teach me about digital marketing. Assume I'm familiar with content marketing."

Section 3: Striking the Right Tone: How Do You Want Your AI to Sound?

Now, you've structured your prompt and set your AI's mode. The next step? Making sure the AI's response matches the context and the audience. Here are five tones to start with:

  • Conversational: if you want the AI to sound like it's having a relaxed chat with you.
  • Lighthearted: for creativity, humor, and when the situation isn't too serious.
  • Persuasive: when you want the AI to sway the reader towards a particular point of view.
  • Spartan: when you want the AI to cut to the chase and avoid fluff.
  • Formal: in a formal or professional setting where casual language won't do.
  • Firm: when you want the AI to assert a point or when precision is required.

Section 4: Masterclass: Tips to Ace Your Prompt Game

Now that you're familiar with the basics, here are some pro tips to push your prompts to the next level:

  1. Encouragement helps: Tell your AI it's an expert. For example, “You are world-class at marketing." This can help elicit higher-quality responses.
  2. Scolding works, too: Ask the AI to be more insightful. For example, “Make this better/more insightful."
  3. When in doubt, add detail: If the output isn't satisfactory, provide more context or background information.
  4. Get a self-check: Ask the AI to evaluate its work. Example: “Are there any topics you missed?"
  5. Control the creativity: Use “Temperature: x” in your prompt. 1 means more creativity (great for copywriting), while 0 prompts conservative responses (suitable for academic/formal settings).

Conclusion: The Last Word

Mastering AI-assisted writing is a game-changer. It can boost your productivity and ignite creativity. Stuck in writer's block? Not to worry. There are resources that compile the best prompts for ChatGPT, like PromptHero and SnackPrompt

So, next time you see a thread titled "How the 1% write best with ChatGPT," just give it a knowing smile. You've got this. Welcome to the league of top-notch prompt engineers!

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